Second Chemo

19 June, 2009

After her first tablet Sooty came up and snuggled between us restlessly for a while. She is still hungry which is great but it is become a bit of a palaver as the pills are cytotoxic which means they can't be touched by us. Still we persevere and she is sparky and came to the door today which is great!

Second chemo tablet tonight.

3 Responses to "Second Chemo"

Meghann Says:

Good luck Sooty!

The Creek Cats Says:

Best of luck with the second chemo tablet!

Val's Dragonfly Whimsy Says:

OH buddy, I have my fingers crossed that Sooty will pull through - poor little darling - wishing you and Sooty all the best of luck, I will keep reading to see her progress - HUGZ Val xoxo