Bodyweight thoughts

17 June, 2009

Something that I thought I ought to mention in case anyone checks this with their own lymphoma cat.

Sooty lost a heck of a lot of weight before she was diagnosed. She had become very thin. Now she is 1) on chemo and 2) has the anti nausea tablets she is starting to regain her appetite. This is a long slow haul but she is gradually filling out a bit.

Sometimes I think she looks heart breakingly thin, other times a bit plumper. The lesson I have learned is that rebuilding her body will take time, she may never fill out totally again BUT she still has a sparkle in her eye, a spring in her step and she is still our Sooty.

We start the second round of chemo on Thursday.

1 Responses:

The Creek Cats Says:

Best of luck with the second round of chemo! We are sending you both comforting vibes! We are sending Sooty extra special healing vibes.